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Harmony Library: FRCC Instructors

The Harmony Library is available for instructors as well! Reach out to Laura Puls or Drew Bagby to go over databases, journals, and search strategies with your class. If you have any materials you would like to see in the library (including your own books!), let us know. We can also help you with your own research projects and interests, sending along new articles we come across.

Request OER help

Would you like help locating Open Educational Resources? Library staff can search various repositories online and compile ones related to your topic.

Request OER Help

Schedule a Library Instruction Class

Schedule a customized library instruction class with the link below to help your students with research for their project or paper. Library instruction classes can be taught at the Library, virtually, or in your classroom.

Topics could cover:

  • Building a good search strategy for a strong research paper
  • Choosing & using the best research databases
  • Tour of free library resources & tools
  • Citing sources (and why citations are important!)
  • Navigating online information: Information literacy, expert Googling, Creative Commons/fair use

If you would like to schedule a library instruction class outside of the 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. timeframe, please email Laura Puls or Drew Bagby.

Library Instruction Class

Harmony Reserve Room Form

Put materials in the Reserve Room for your students. Materials in the Reserve room checkout for two days. Fill out the form below and drop the materials by the Harmony Library. 

Course Reserve Request

Suggest Materials

Do you have ideas for books that you would like to see in the physical library collection? Submit your suggestions below.

Suggest Materials

Suggest Online Subscriptions

Do you have ideas for subscriptions that you would like to see in the Colorado Community College System Online Library online collection? Submit your suggestions below.

NOTE: Suggest databases before August so it can receive full consideration before the fall semester begins, though suggestions are welcome anytime!

Suggest a Database

Interlibrary Loan

If you cannot find an item that you want through the library, request it through Interlibrary Loan. The Interlibrary Loan department will search for materials throughout the country.

Interlibrary Loan

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