Good to know
The punctuation at the end of the sentence goes after and outside the parenthesis.
I am paraphrasing (Smith, 2019).
If you are using a direct quote, there is no comma between the end of the quotation and the in-text citation.
"this is a quote" (Smith, 2019, p. 263).
Basic format (Paraphrasing) | |
Components If paraphrasing, in parenthesis, list the author's last name followed by a comma and the year of publication. The punctuation at the end of the sentence goes after and outside the parenthesis. (Author's last name, year) |
Example Citing sources is very important (Smith, 2019). |
Basic format (Direct Quote) | |
If directly quoting, in parenthesis, list the author's last name followed by a comma and the year of publication followed by a comma and the page number(s).
(Author's last name, year, page number) |
Example It should be noted that "proper usage of citations is crucial" (Smith, 2019, p. 263) |
Note: If you are citing multiple pages use pp. (Smith, 2019, pp. 17-27) |
Author in text (Paraphrasing) | |
If paraphrasing the author in text, list the author in the sentence without parenthesis, include the year of publication in parenthesis immediately afterwards and then the paraphrased information. List the Author's last name (year) and the paraphrased information in your sentence. |
Example Smith (2019) states citing sources is very important. |
Author in text (Direct Quote) | |
If directly quoting the author in text, list the author in the sentence without parenthesis, include the year of publication in parenthesis immediately afterwards and then the quoted information. List page number(s) at the end of the sentence in parenthesis.
List the Author's last name (year), "direct quotation inside quotation marks" (p. #). |
Example In his article on citations, Smith (2019) states that "proper usage of citations is crucial" (p. 263). |
No Author | |
If there is no author, list a shortened version of the title in place of the author followed by a comma and the year of publication. For example: If the article is entitled "Very long work can be exhausting to read," the title can be shortened to "Very long work."
("shortened title", year) |
Example This article is very long ("Very long work," 2019). |
Note: If directly quoting, after the year of publication add a comma and put the page number |
Two Authors | |
If paraphrasing two authors, list the last names of both authors connected with "&" followed by a comma and the year of publication.
(Author's last name & Second author's last name, year) |
Example Citations are academically honest (Smith & Jones, 2019). |
Note: If directly quoting, after the year of publication add a comma and put the page number |
Three or more Authors | |
If paraphrasing three or more authors, list the first author followed by “et al.” followed by a comma and the year of publication. (Author's last name et al. year) |
Example Citations have saved millions of papers (Smith et al., 2019). |
Note: If directly quoting, after the year of publication add a comma and put the page number |
Group or Corporate Authors | |
If using a group or corporate author, list the name or abbreviation of the group/company/agency in place of the author; followed by a comma and the year of publication.
(Group name, year) |
Example It has been reported that failure to use citations is a threat to national security (Citation Security Agency, 2019). |
Note: If directly quoting, after the year of publication add a comma and put the page number |
Artificial Intelligence | |
If you are using text generated by an AI, please use the company's name who owns the product and the year you used it. (AI Company, year) |
Example The citation was long and written by ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2023). |
Note: Always directly quote when AI is used, unless otherwise stated by your professor. |
No Date | |
If there is no date, put (n.d.) for year. Place a period after n and d with no spaces in between. (Author last name, year) |
Example The citation was long but did not have a date (Smith, n.d.) |
Note: If directly quoting, after the year of publication add a comma and put the page number Note: The "n.d." stands for "No Date." Be sure to use n.d. on the References page to match the in-text citation. |
Two or More Authors with the same Last Name | |
If there are two or more authors with the same last name, list the first name initial(s) and then the last name followed by a comma and then the year.
(First author first initial. last name, year). (Second author first initial. last name, year).
The glass is half full (A. Smith, 2019). The glass is half empty (B. Smith, 2019). |
Note: If directly quoting, after the year of publication add a comma and put the page number |
Citing Works with the Same Author and Date | |
If multiple references have an identical author (or authors) and year of publication, list a lowercase letter after the year. The References page for these citations needs to have the year of publication exactly match the in-text date with the added lowercase letter. (Author last name, yeara). (Author last name, yearb)
(Redd, 2017a). (Redd, 2017b).
Note: If directly quoting, after the year of publication add a comma and put the page number |
Citing Translated Works | |
If you are citing a work in translation, you write the year of initial publication followed by the year of the translation's publication, separated by a forward slash. (Author last name, Year of Initial Publication/Year of Translation Publication).
(Redd, 2017/2019).
Note: If directly quoting, after the year of publication add a comma and put the page number |
No Pages | |
If referencing a source that has no page numbers; list the paragraph number, section title, table number, slide number, etc.
Some other sources use the full word, such as Table, Graph, Chart.
There is some evidence to suggest that "citations have the potential to help grades" (Smith, 2019, para. 5).
Note: If directly quoting, after the year of publication add a comma and put the page number |