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Copyright Guide for Faculty

Can I put this resource in my course shell?

  1. Do you hold the copyright to the resource?
    You may not hold the copyright even if you are the creator. If you published an article or a book with a publisher or journal, you may have signed rights over to the publisher. 
    Yes: You may put the resource in your course shell. No: go to next question.
  2. Can you link to a legal copy of the resource in the library database or on the open web?
    As long as you are linking to a legal copy, you don't have to worry about copyright concerns. If the resource is in a database licensed by RRCC, it is a legal copy. If it is hosted on the publisher/distributor/author's website, it is most likely a legal copy. If it is in a college or university's repository (and you can view the full text even though you are not a member of that institution), it is likely a legal copy. If it's a video on youtube or an article or book on another site (including the Internet Archive) be careful. 
    Yes: You may put a LINK to the resource your course shell. No: go to next question.
  3. Is it in the public domain?
    How do I determine if a work is in the public domain?
    Yes: You may put the resource in your course shell. No: go to next question.
  4. Does it have a Creative Commons License?
    What is a Creative Commons License?
    Yes: You may put the resource in your course shell. No: go to next question.
  5. Does your use constitute Fair Use?
    What is Fair Use?
    Yes: Go to the next question. No: talk to a librarian about finding alternatives
  6. Have you completed the Fair Use checklist?
    Fair Use Checklist
    Yes: You may put the appropriate portion of the resource in your course shell. No: fill out the Fair Use Checklist.