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Faculty Services

Searching Kanopy & Requesting Films

Please do not give students the links below!

On-campus access:

Off-campus access:

With the new CCCS library consolidation, our pricing model with Kanopy changed, as well as our budget. The platform is very different from before. The Home Page shows the films that the CCCS schools have already licensed. You will need to search for a specific title or subject in the search bar.

  • You need to click search
  • You will see two options above the videos. In Collection and Request Access
  • Click Request Access to see the films that are available for purchase.
  • When you find a film you want to purchase, use the form below. Do not request access to the title through the Kanopy platform.

Before purchase we will search to make sure we cannot access the film from our other video database or one of the other free platforms. Please give us at least 48 hours to purchase the film.

Embedding the Link into D2L

Each video will have a Share button. Either copy the film link or embed the video into your D2L course shell so students can view the film. To share a clip, you will need to create an account and then create a playlist which will allow you to share a link to a clip of a video that you create. Students do not need an account to watch the clip or entire video.