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APA Toolkit: Getting Started


Welcome to the APA Citation Toolkit! This has been designed to answer many of your common citation questions. Do you have a question that isn't listed here, but should be? Send me an email at cccolibrarian @! I'll answer your question privately within 48 hours, and make an addition to this toolkit so others can benefit, too!

If you have an immediate need, be sure to check out these two references: 

  1. Purdue OWL -- the Purdue OWL is commonly accepted as the toolkit for deciphering MLA and APA formatting and style requirements. It's created and updated by the Purdue Online Writing Lab. This is often the fastest, most reliable reference for your citation questions as it's online and available 24/7!
  2. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition) -- This manual is the text authority on all things APA. The 7th edition is the most current, and therefore supersedes any earlier version. This is the most thorough resource available. As this is a book, you may not have access to it right away--but your local library or home college library will definitely have a copy.

If you're also looking for answers to questions about MLA style, please visit the MLA Citation Toolkit

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Citation Questions and Answers


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Jason Steagall

Looking for additional research information?

Looking for more research help? Check out the CCCS Online Library Toolkit and Resource LibGuides:

Academic Integrity Toolkit
Academic integrity and honesty have always been important components to being a successful college student. However, today's online world has magnified the importance of acting with integrity and honesty in the college classroom. We offer you helpful information on just what academic integrity is and why it's important as well as information on how to avoid academic dishonesty and the pitfalls of plagiarism.

APA Toolkit
Looking for APA (American Psychological Association) guides? Look no further than CCCS Online Library's Toolkit here!

Citation Toolkit
Learn the nitty gritty details of citation with our step-by-step tutorial. Evaluating Sources Toolkit
After you've located your sources, how can you tell which sources should be used in a given research paper or project? Find out in the CCCS Online Library's Evaluating Sources Toolkit.

MLA Toolkit
CCCS Online Library's one-stop for all things Modern Language Association (MLA)

Online Reference Toolkit
From the CCCS Online Library

Open Access Journal Resources

Reading Scholarly Articles Toolkit
Discover strategies for reading and unpacking scholarly articles in your research.

Research Toolkit
On this page, you'll find links to information on how to become more information literate - you'll become familiar with knowing when you need information, how to find that information and what to do with the information once you've found it. Take some time to browse though the tabs above.

Writing Toolkit
Here you'll find links to information on how to focus your topic, organize your paper, figure out the different types of essays, how to write more effective sentences and you'll find some grammar help as well.

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