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Economics Subject Guide

Tutoring Resources

Tutoring Resources

Having problems with a concept in your math class? Just not getting your chemistry assignment? Perhaps you’d like someone to take a look at your research to make sure your thesis is sound and you’ve organized your argument well. You have several options for getting help at CCCOnline:


CCCOnline offers 24×7 web-based tutoring services through Brainfuse. This service supplements our existing academic support services by offering real-time online tutoring and homework help for core courses and skills 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Brainfuse is not an answering or proofreading/editing service. Students can access live tutorials in writing across many subjects, including math, accounting, business, statistics and economics, science, world languages, English, and social sciences. In addition, students can submit writing projects to Brainfuse.

To access Brainfuse, please click on the Brainfuse link located in the “External Links” widget of your COURSE home page under Helpful Links.

Online Tutoring Lab (OTL)

The CCCOnline Online Tutoring Lab (OTL) was created as a free online resource for all students taking developmental education classes.

Students are automatically enrolled in the CCCOnline OTL Center when they sign up for any of the following classes:

  • CCR092

  • CCR094

  • MAT025

  • MAT050

  • MAT055

  • MAT103

  • MAT107

Students will see the OTL listed in D2L along with their other CCCOnline classes. The tutoring lab is staffed by CCCOnline instructors who are experienced teaching our developmental ed classes.

While visiting the OTL, students can:

  • Ask questions of a CCCOnline tutor,

  • Link to online tutoring and resources,

  • Get additional practice with course materials,

  • Arrange for private tutoring appointments via telephone or online, and/or

  • Gain encouragement from and offer encouragement to peers.

Looking for additional research information?

Looking for more research help? Check out the CCCOnline Library Toolkit and Resource LibGuides:

Contact library for help

How can the library help you? Get in touch with us at