If you have any questions or wish to contact the CO Online Librarians, please use the contact information on the Library page.
Please check with your Home College and Instructor's Academic Integrity policy for any questions.
Academic Integrity:
Plagiarizing, cheating, or committing any other form of academic misconduct including, but not limited to, unauthorized collaboration, falsification of information, and/or helping someone else violate reasonable standards for academic behavior. Students who engage in any type of academic dishonesty are subject to both academic consequences as determined by the instructor and to outcomes as set forth in the Student Behavioral Expectations and Responsibilities Resolution Procedure.
For more information on SP 4-30a – Student Behavioral Expectations and Responsibilities Resolution Procedure, see here.
Academic integrity and honesty have always been important components to being a successful college student. However, today's online world has magnified the importance of acting with integrity and honesty in the college classroom. We offer you helpful information on just what Academic Integrity is and why it's important as well as information on how to avoid academic dishonesty and the pitfalls of plagiarism.
"Why Cite? York U. Libraries" by Teaching & Learning at York U. Libraries is licensed under CC BY 3.0