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High Impact Practices (HIPs)


Example EXPO

Students, report out about your research, service learning, creative works, cultural analyses, or CTE achievements. Your work will be highlighted in The Paper's website.


How to submit


Edit your work and include resources before submitting to The EXPO.

  1. Be concise. Streamline your ideas, your words, your sentence structure. Use strong verbs.
  2. Proofread. Get a friend or a tutor in the Learning Commons to look at your submission. Read your stuff out loud. Every. Single. Word.
  3. Include 3 sources. Use local resources as much as possible, like an interview of a relevant professional or instructor, or a website of a local government, business, or non-profit organization.
  1. Mention the sources, either in a list or in your sentence, like:  According to Sarah McMahon, publisher of PPSC’s Paper, all sources need attribution.


Email your EXPO PPT Slide to If your file is too big for email you can submit through WeTransfer.Com. (It's free.)

Submit to Youtube

Submit to YouTube

Email your video to  If your file is too big for email you can submit through WeTransfer.Com. (It's free and will email a file up to 2GB.)
*If you run into any issues please email us at and be sure to include “YouTube Help” in the subject line.


PPSC High Impact Practices YouTube