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High Impact Practices (HIPs)

Writing-Intensive Courses

What is it?

• Students produce and revise writing as a process (repeated practice)

• Students practice writing in various genre based on academic and actual situations varied purposes, audiences (with emphasis outside class) within different disciplines (career paths)

Writing Intensive courses include:


  • multiple steps to complete writing project, fosters a sense of accomplishment
  • meaningful to student, an assignment where the student takes ownership 

Substantive Interactions/Diversity

  • critical consideration of multiple viewpoints 
  • experiences with diversity (people or situations unfamiliar to the student)


  • constructive, frequent feedback so that students can revise work
  • opportunities to reflect on processes and learning 

Real World/Public

  • writing with a purpose and audience that extend outside of class
  • writing is shared with intended audience, for a specified purpose


Writing intensive video:


Wanna get published?

The Paper: Pikes Peak Community College student newspaper

Parley: is a literary arts journal designed to showcase the creative and academic excellence of emerging & established artists in Colorado. All works are curated, edited, and designed by students at Pikes Peak Community College.

SitRep: This literary publication honors the voices of military service members, veterans, and their families at Pikes Peak Community College. We work in collaboration with Military and Veterans Programs.

EXPO: Highlighting student work.


HIP Writing Assignments:

  • Proposal to local organization
  • Op Ed or essay related to work/career
  • Educational/informational writing (PSA-type, or for a local school, or community group)
  • Researched Memoirs (academic research on elderly, or other group, and interviews, write that story.)
  • Freedom Forum: Explore front pages of newspapers from all over the USA to investigate how different parts of the country are experiencing news. Could be a great tool for many projects and disciplines!
    • Look for 3 front page articles that report on the same event with significantly different viewpoints or biases. What impact might this have on the audience or community?

Make writing public:

  • To a local person or group that has the power to effect change
  • Learn how to publish student work, see the Publish tab above

Student-facing documents: