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Course Reserves at FRCC-LC

Textbooks, study guides, anatomical models, and other supplemental class materials that students can borrow for short time at no-cost.

FRCC-Larimer Campus Harmony Library Course Reserves collection complies with the Fair Use guidelines of the US Copyright Policy. Faculty are responsible for ensuring that their materials meet fair use guidelines and are not in violation of US Copyright Law.

NOTE: Because Course Reserves are heavily used, we cannot guarantee that your materials will be returned to you in the same condition as when given to the library.

For Instructors Using Scanned Materials In MyCourses (D2L)

By using the material in your MyCourses class shell, you are agreeing to the following: 

  • Limit access to students in the class;

  • Inform students that copyright law applies to the work;

  • Provide a written notice on the copies or the syllabus prohibiting further distribution, for example: “This material is subject to the copyright law of the United States (Title 17 U.S. Code) and is for the use of students in YOUR COURSE NAME /NUMBER only. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited.”;

  • Disable item access at the end of the semester.

Student Copyright Notice

Notice: This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code)

This material is being provided to you in support of your academic work.

  • You may not sell or distribute copies of this material.
  • It should be deleted by the end of the course.

Fair Use Notice

It is the intention of the Library to act within the parameters of the fair use defense in allowing limited electronic delivery of copyrighted materials. It is the intention of the Library, moreover, that such materials be made available solely for the purposes of private study, scholarship, and research, and that any further reproduction of such materials by students, by printing or downloading, be limited to such purposes.

These materials may not be sold or distributed.

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