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English 1021/1022 Research Paper

A guide to research and opinion resources for English 1021 students writing argumentative research papers on social issues.

How to Use this Libguide

Welcome to the Argumentative Research Paper libguide.  The goal of this libguide is to provide you with topic ideas, research aides, and useful resources and materials that will hopefully help you create the best argumentative essay possible.  The following is a description of what you may find on each tab:

  • Argumentative Essay Topics:  a Growing list of research paper topics.  I will be updating this list as I think of other topics, or as students bring me their topics for research help. 
  • Books: You will find print materials relating to different topics in the "featured books" box.  The video tutorials are meant to demonstrate how to search the catalog, as well as using Prospector to find harder to find items.  You may also search the catalogs directly from this page. 
  • Databases : Under this tab you will find recommended databases to use for the Argumentative Research Paper assignment.  If you have had a library orientation class, many of the databases should be familiar.  Also, do not hesitate to try other databases listed under the research tab at, you may find one that you are more comfortable with than those listed
  • Web Resources and OER: Here you will find useful web resources pertaining to current events and issues that are in the news. Also, open electronic records (OER) are available on the Internet, and may include teacher lesson plans, interactive websites, and, etextbooks about a particular topic.
  • Citation Help : Under the citation help tab, you will find information relating to properly citing your research. Included are citation style guides within the library, as well as video tutorials and links to citation guides and machines.


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