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Business for Creative Industries (BCI)

Library resources for creative professionals developing business skills through FRCC's BCI bachelor's degree. Fields include multimedia graphic design, interior architecture and design, music and recording arts technology, studio art, architectural engine

Introduction to Citations

Why do we use citations?

Within your assignments, you will be required to use references or citations to support your papers' arguments and point to which research supports your points.

  • Citations demonstrate you are participating in the scholarly conversation and giving credit to people who informed your thinking.
  • Citations also help people who read your paper to follow up on the original sources, to read them for themselves.

When using references, you must properly cite your resources within the paper, and create a reference page (also called work cited or bibliography) at the end of your assignment document.

  • Common citation styles include MLA, APA, and Chicago style citation formats. It depends on the class and subject area which one your instructor will require. Different parts of the citation matter to different fields, which is why the citation formats look different.
  • There are several books that demonstrate proper citation styles, as well as online resources to help with citations.
  • Citation managers like RefWorks or Zotero can help you keep track of your sources and automate some of the citations. Always double-check their automated citations!
IMPORTANT: It may feel tedious to properly cite resources in a paper. However, improper citation or the lack of citations can mean low marks on your assignment. Without citations, your instructor may wonder if you plagiarized someone else's hard work to create your paper!

Citation Guides

How to Use Citation Generators in the Databases

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