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What does EBSCO Discovery Do?

What does the EBSCO Discovery Service do?

The EBSCO Discovery Service lets you search ALL of our databases at once!

There is a search bar you may have noticed on the front page of the library website as well. Both of these search bars are the same: they will let you search every single one of our databases (very quickly, too!) It does not search our physical collection, only our online databases subscription resources.

Quick search tips: 

1. Keep your search to simple keywords such as "women's rights history US" or "neurodivergent social media problems" or "nursing safety advances" or "literary analysis yellow wallpaper". If you type in something long like "the number of people in the US who listen to both screamo and ska and attend concerts in blue shirts" the search will not return particularly relevant results.

2. Mind your spelling! The EBSCO search will not correct or guess for you, it will simply return no results.

3. If you find an article you like, make sure you use the email function to email the article to yourself by clicking on the title of the article and selecting the email icon from the far right hand menu - any email address (gmail, hotmail, AOL etc) does not have to be a student email address.